Solar Installers In Mount Pleasant, TX

Experience Energy Independence With Solar Panel Installation

Energy prices continue to rise. Each month, it feels like you’re paying more and more for electricity.

This has prompted a lot of Texans to look into alternate ways to power their home, like residential solar power.

Solar power has helped thousands of Texans experience energy independence. No electric bills, no outages, and a home powered by clean, renewable solar energy.

If you’re considering a residential solar power system, East Texas Solar can help.

We’re one of the most experienced solar panel companies in East Texas and have helped families throughout Texas design and install solar power in their homes.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about solar power and how we can design a system to power your home.

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The Benefits of Solar Power

  • Fewer Outages

    Depending on the type of system you install, your home may be entirely impervious to power outages.

  • Lower Utility Bills

    You can expect lower utility bills. Depending on the system, you may be able to get rid of your energy company entirely.

  • Versatile

    There are a lot of ways for solar to power your home. You have options, and we can help you find the perfect system for you.

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Grid-Tied Solar Power System

Low Initial Costs

A grid-tied system is one of the most affordable ways to power your home with solar energy. 


A grid-tied system is still on the electric grid, which serves as a source of backup power.

Net Metering

Your solar panels will produce excess energy that will go towards paying your electricity bills.

About Grid-Tied Systems

The basic grid-tied solar system includes residential solar panels that power your home directly. It’s one of the simplest solar power systems possible.

During the day, your solar panels will power your home. Any energy generated in excess of your home’s needs will be transmitted through the electricity grid to your service provider.

At night and on cloudy days, your home will draw power through the electrical grid like a traditional, non-solar home.

The excess energy your home generates during the day will “pay” for most or even all of the energy you use at night.

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Grid-Tied Solar System with Battery Backups

Backup Power Options
An on-grid system with batteries is the most versatile solar power system available with 3 options for power. 
Net Metering
If your home generates excess energy, it will be credited to your account to lower your bills.
Fewer Outages
Between your solar panels and batteries, your home will be protected if the grid goes down.

About Grid-Tied Systems with Battery Backups

A grid-tied system with battery backups is one of the most versatile solar power systems available.

There are three options to power your home:

Directly from the solar panels

From batteries charged by the solar panels

The electric grid

If your solar panels generate more energy than your home is using, that energy will charge the battery system.

Your home will use the batteries to power the home during the evenings and on cloudy days. If there is no available battery power, your home will draw from the electric grid as normal.

Any energy generated after charging the batteries will be credited towards paying your electricity bill.

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Off-Grid Solar Systems

Complete Independence

With off-grid solar power you are entirely free from the grid.

Fewer Outages

When the grid goes down, you’ll still have electricity in your home.

No Energy Bills

You don’t rely on a power company for electricity, so you don’t pay bills. 

About Off-Grid Solar Power

When most people think about solar power, they’re thinking of an entirely off-grid solar system.

With this system, you’re entirely free of energy company, electricity bills, and the power grid.

Solar panels power your home during the day and excess energy charges your batteries, which power your home at night and on cloudy days.

This type of system is designed to meet all of your energy needs while allowing you to live on clean, renewable energy.

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Why Choose East Texas Solar?

Quality Parts

East Texas Solar uses Tier 1 solar panels that are resistant to baseball-size hail and IQ8, which operate as a battery and an inverter. 

Experienced Installers

East Texas Solar has over a decade of experience designing and performing solar system installations for East Texas families. 

Regular Monitoring

We monitor your solar power system’s production regularly, and you can do the same from your phone or tablet using our tracking app.

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East Texas Solar Guarantees Your Solar Power System for 30 Years

Solar panels, inverters, and other parts of your system can last for as long as 40-50 years, if they’re well taken care of. In addition to that, East Texas Solar provides two 30-year guarantees on all of our work.

30-Year Production Guarantee

Our team will design your system to provide a specified amount of power for your home. If your system doesn’t produce that amount, we’ll fix it for free.This ensures that your system is able to power your home for decades.

30-Year Labor Guarantee

East Texas Solar installers will install or replace any part without charging you labor. If something happens and your system is damaged, we’ll always help you. 

Consult With An Experienced Solar Company In Mount Pleasant, TX

If you’ve been considering solar power installation, East Texas Solar is here to help you understand the process and walk you through how to install solar power on your home.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about solar power and how we can help you.

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