Solar Installers in Dallas, TX

Experience Independence from Utility Bills

Energy costs are on the rise. That makes Texas summers more expensive than ever. Even the winters are bad enough that most Texans feel the pinch.

This has led a lot of Texans to find another way to power their home. Many have turned to solar energy. Solar energy is complicated, though. It’s more than just getting some solar panels installed.

East Texas Solar has been helping Texas design and install solar systems to power their homes for over a decade. We’re more than solar contractors. We’re true believers, and we’re proud to be able to share our passion for renewable energy with people across the state.

Solar power systems can be complicated and difficult to understand. That’s why we’re here. We’ll help you understand what solar power can do–and how it can work for you.

If you’re interested in going solar, contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about solar energy.

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The Benefits of Solar Power

  • Fewer Outages

    Depending on the type of system you install, your home may be entirely impervious to power outages.

  • Lower Utility Bills

    You can expect lower utility bills. Depending on the system, you may be able to get rid of your energy company entirely.

  • Versatile

    There are a lot of ways for solar to power your home. You have options, and we can help you find the perfect system for you.

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Grid-Tied Solar Power System

Low Initial Costs

A grid-tied system is one of the most cost-effective solar power systems available. Its low initial cost is easy to pay off.

Fewer Outages

You’re less reliant on your energy company, and your system will generate electricity to actually pay for utility bills.

Backup Power

With this kind of system, you’re still on the grid. At night and on cloudy days, you’ll use electricity just like normal.

About Grid-Tied Systems

Grid-tie systems are the most cost-effective way to power your home with solar energy. It’s also one of the simplest out there.

It consists of solar panels that collect sunlight and an inverter that converts that energy into electricity. During the day, this electricity will power your home.

Any excess energy that your home doesn’t need is transferred back through the grid, which the utility company pays you for.

At night your home will use electricity from the grid like it always has. However, the energy you generate during the day effectively “pays” for the energy you use at night.

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Grid-Tied System with Battery Backups

With three ways to power your home, you’ll almost always have power–even after a big storm knocks it out for the neighborhood.
Lower Utility Bills
With three ways to power your home, you’ll almost always have power–even after a big storm knocks it out for the neighborhood.
Fewest Outages
On-grid systems with battery backups are some of the most versatile and functional solar systems currently available.

About Grid-Tied Systems with Batteries

On-grid systems with battery backups are some of the most versatile and functional solar systems currently available.

They use three different ways to power your home:

  • Directly from the solar panels during the day
  • From the batteries at night
  • From the grid when the batteries run down

With this solar system installed, you can expect to use renewable energy most of the time, with electricity drawn through the grid serving as backup power.

Additionally, any energy your solar panels generate that isn’t used or stored in the batteries will be transferred to the power grid. This will offset any costs associated with your rare use of electricity from the grid.

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Off-Grid System

Energy Independence

With an off-grid system, you’re just that: off the grid and entirely independent from it and the electric companies that own it.

Fewer Outages

Between your home’s solar panels and batteries, you’ll almost always have electricity in your home, even when your neighbors don’t.

No Energy Bills

You’re not on the energy grid. That means you don’t have to get power from a utility company. That means no bills.

About Off-Grid Solar Power

When people imagine a home powered by solar energy, most imagine an entirely off-grid home.

These homes are completely independent and use clean, renewable energy for all of their needs.

You won’t draw a single kilowatt from the grid, and you can expect to be free from utility bills for as long as the system is working.

And if the grid goes down?

Your solar system will keep the lights on.

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Why Choose Us As Your Solar Energy Contractor?

Quality Parts

We only use Tier 1 solar panels and IQ8 converters. These are high-quality parts that ensure your system works perfectly and stands up to the elements. 

Seamless Installation

A lot of people are concerned that the system will ruin the look of their homes. We strive for an entirely seamless installation so it looks good and performs well.

Regular Monitoring

With East Texas Solar, you’ll be able to monitor your system’s performance from a tablet or smartphone app. If you see something, we’ll be there to help.

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We Guarantee Our Systems for 30 Years

Most solar power systems can last up to 50 years without major parts replacement. Additionally, East Texas Solar backs our solar system installations with two 30-year guarantees:

30-Year Performance Guarantee

Your system is designed to produce a certain amount of energy for your home. If it doesn’t, we’ll fix it for you.

30-Year Labor Guarantee

Sometimes parts go bad and need to be replaced or upgraded. We’ll perform all labor for no cost to you.

Consult With An Experienced Solar Company in Dallas, TX Today

When you first start looking into solar power, it can be daunting. There’s a lot to learn. Designing a system requires expertise and technical skill.

East Texas Solar is here to help. We’ll help you understand what solar power can do, and then we’ll design a system that will meet your energy needs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us show you what solar power can do for you.

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